Terms of Service
Basic policy
Before using the Website of TMC CO., LTD., please read through the following terms carefully and agree to them. If you can't agree to the terms, please refrain from using our Website. If you use the Website, we will regard it as an agreement with all the terms written below. When we decide another policy on the page or corner of the Website, please read each of them carefully and consent to them.
Terms of use
All contents on this Website including but not necessarily limited to text, portrait, mark and any other information, etc. are the property of TMC CO., LTD. or its suppliers. All copyrighted materials on this Website are limited for only private use. Materials shall not be diverted to another website and printed matter. Furthermore, you shall not use the contents beyond the copyright law on this Website without permission.
The right of the Trademark on this Website belongs to TMC CO., LTD. and the person entitled. You shall not use it without our permission.
If you would like your site to have a link to TMC CO., LTD. Website, you don't need to contact us regardless of business purpose or not. However, we take no responsibility for the trouble or compensation for damage caused by the links. Moreover, linking from the websites below is prohibited in using TMC CO., LTD. Website.
- ・Website which contains the slander and libel of our products and services.
- ・Website which contains the information which can be illegal.
- ・Website which contains the information which is against the public order and morals.